About Our Parish

See What We Have to Offer

We are a Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, founded in 1954. Our address is 196 North Trooper Road, Norristown, PA 19403-2600. We are located in Montgomery County about 5 miles from Valley Forge National Historical Park. You can access driving directions and our Mass Schedule below.

If you are new to the Valley Forge/Norristown Area, please consider making Visitation your parish home. We offer a wealth of parish organizations and activities for a variety of interests.

Children's Ministries

We offer a wonderful pre-K through 8th grade parish school with a very fine Home and School Association. We also have an active Catholic Youth Organization and a High School Youth Ministry.

Call the Rectory office for information:
610-539-5572 to speak with the front desk,
or email: rectory@visitationbvm.org

Learn About the Catholic Faith

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) meets on a weekly basis. All are welcome; including long time Catholics looking for a refresher course in the faith.

Call the Religious Education office for information:
610-539-6080, Option 6 to speak with Sister Diane Marie
or email: sister.diane@visitationbvmschool.org.

Parish Clergy

Pastor Fr. Bob Gross
Fr. Francis Mulranen
Msgr. Joseph Nicolo, Pastor Emeritus, St. Helena Church (Blue Bell)
Deacon Vincent Drewicz
Deacon Patrick Mandracchia (Retired)

The clergy and the parish pastoral staff may be reached through the parish rectory at: 610-539-5572.

Parish Convent

Staffed by Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth.

For information, contact Sr. Diane Marie, our parish DRE, at the convent: 610-539-5558.

School Principal

Our school principal is Mr. Matthew Joram.

He can be reached at the school: 610-539-6080 or email: principal@visitationbvmschool.org.

Weekday Mass Times

Monday through Saturday –  8:15am

Weekend Mass Times

4:00pm (Vigil) in the Lower Church
7:30am (Lower Church)
9:00am & 11:00am in the Upper Church

Confession Times

Saturdays: 8:45am & 3:00 to 3:45pm
Or by appointment – Please call 610-539-5572

Adoration Times

Daily 8:00am – 8:00pm