The Alpha Course is a practical introduction to the Christian faith, where guests have an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting. The course meets once per week for 10 weeks. During each session, attendees enjoy a simple meal, laughter and learning about the person and teachings of Jesus in a fun and non-threatening atmosphere. There is no charge to attend the Alpha course. In the middle of the course there is a Friday evening/Saturday retreat which involves a fee.
Who Is Alpha For?
Alpha is for anyone: all backgrounds, religions and viewpoints. Everyone is welcome. The Alpha course has proved to be an effective tool for awakening faith in people who are on the fringe of parish life, faithful Catholics and those outside the faith. More than 16 million people in 168 countries around the world have taken the Alpha Course already, and it is being offered by Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant churches. The basic truths of Christianity are presented with energy and enthusiasm, and Catholics should not have to go to other churches to hear that message.
Watch the bulletin for dates for our next Alpha Course offering.
Call or text for further information or to register:
Bruce & Susan Landis: 610-631-1609 or Joe Baldassari: (610) 715-1593