Governing Boards

Parish Pastoral Council

Established to act as representatives of the entire parish in expressing opinions and concerns to Father Bob, our focus is “pastoral,” in other words the spiritual care and guidance of this parish. We are not a legislative body, finance, grievance committee, social committee, or administrative body. We are strictly a consultative body. That means our single purpose is to advise Father Bob — after very careful consideration of an issue. This takes time because the council’s goal is always to reach a decision through consensus or general agreement. Once a decision has been made to move ahead on an issue, it requires active participation of the entire parish in the areas designated for change or improvement. 

Our Pastoral Council comprises parishioners who are elected by the parish, appointed by the Pastor, and Ex Officio parish staff members.  The Pastoral Council members assist the Pastor by being available to the parishioners for their concerns and suggestions.  It is strictly a consultative body which means the single purpose of the Council is to advise the Pastor after very careful consideration of an issue or parish needs.  

Chairman: Rev Robert Gross, Pastor

Facilitator: Joe Pizza (

Current Members: Deacon Vince Drewicz, Matt Joram, Sister Diane Marie Corrado, CSFN, Michael Connolly, Cheryl Fisher,  Joseph Gavanus, Patrick Hopkins, John Larcinese, Marty Mehl, Heather Ondik, Mary Pat Reuther, Sallianne Tschoepe, Graham Vigliotta, Domenic Zampognapa and Alan Zarkoski

Parish Finance Council

The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body that advises the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish.  The Council’s responsibility is to review and analyze financial data provided by the Business Manager, inform and educate parishioners on the financial state of the parish, and provide guidance and suggestions to the Pastor and staff regarding financial matters.

Pastor: Rev.Robert M. Gross

Business Manager: Mary Ann Smallberger (

Current Council Members: William Callahan, Patrick Hopkins, Robert Parlanti, Theresa Rinker

Ex Officio Parish Staff Members: Matthew Joram, Sister Diane Marie Corrado, CSFN, and Nora Anne DiLemmo

Board of Limited Jurisdiction (BOLJ)

The Board of Limited Jurisdiction’s purpose is to support the school and its administration and faculty in the following areas:  development, enrollment, facilities, and finance. Each board member is tasked with chairing a committee to study where we are in each area and proactively plan for the future. The chair and those on the committee possess expertise or knowledge in that area.

Pastor: Rev.Robert M. Gross

Executive Chair: Mike Connolly (

Executive Vice Chair: Cheryll Fisher

Executive Secretary: Julie Olson ’01

Principal: Matthew Joram

Current Members: Lawrence Garcia, John Gatto, Bari Harvey, Mark Mazur, Ryan Rimgaila, Maureen Rothman, Roger Tartaglia. Graham Vigliotta