Holy Orders
What is the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
Holy Orders is the Sacrament at the Service of Communion (unity) in the Church in which a baptized man promises to dedicate his life to God and the Church and is ordained as a deacon, priest or bishop. The three degrees of orders are: episcopate (bishop), presbyterate (priest), and diaconate (deacon).
If you have questions or are interested in this sacrament, please contact the Rectory at 610-539-5572 and make an appointment to speak with a priest or deacon.
The Archdiocesan Vocation Director is Rev. David Friel. He may be reached at (610)-667-5778 or dfriel@archphila.org.
Holy Orders Preparation in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
“CALLED BY NAME” is a program implemented by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia that invites men, 16 years of age or older, to consider a vocation as a priest. This program has been recommended by the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Vocations in their document A Future Full of Hope: a National Strategy for Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life for the Archdioceses and Dioceses of the United States.
At the heart of this program is the belief that all of us share a common calling through Baptism, to which we are invited to respond in a variety of ways – marriage, single life, consecrated life and ordained ministry. The CALLED BY NAME process focuses on priesthood in calling forth men to consider this vocation.
Parishioners throughout the diocese are encouraged to consider who in our midst might serve well as a priest and submit their names during weekend liturgies. There are many good prospective priests who are simply waiting to be asked.
If you are interested in learning more or possible becoming a Priest, visit www.heedthecall.org