Our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) provides religious education for students from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. PREP classes meet on Monday evenings in our Parish school from September to May at 6:45PM until 8PM. Registration for our PREP program is required for attendance. Please send completed registration forms and payment to Sister Diane Marie, DRE, Religious Education Office, Visitation BVM School, 190 N. Trooper Road, Norristown, PA 19403. If you have any questions, please contact Sister Diane Marie at 610-539-6080, option 6 or e-mail Sister at
Volunteers Needed:
Our Monday evening PREP classes are staffed by parish volunteers. Experience in teaching is not a requirement for PREP teachers and aids. Training and support is available for those interested in sharing their faith with the children who attend the program. Interested parish members should contact Sister Diane Marie, DRE, at number or e-mail address above.