
Weekly Collections, Holiday, and Special Collections:

Including Visitation BVM Parish in your estate planning is a great way to leave a lasting legacy that will ensure our parish’s future.  Click here for more information on how you can help.
Our school’s boiler needs to be replaced because it has reached the end of its usefulness and has broken down repeatedly.  Most of our community members and ministries use the school for various activities, including: hosting events and meetings, PREP, CYO games and practices, etc. throughout the year.  The school is a parish resource to all of us.  We are asking you to prayerfully consider contributing to the School Boiler Fund to allow us to replace the boiler before the weather turns cold.  Our goal is to raise at least $75,000.  Click here to contribute.  Thank you for your consideration.

Our grounds have suffered from several sink holes both on our athletic fields and in other areas.  Please consider helping us pay for repairs by donating here. Our goal is to raise at least $100,000 for these repairs.

It is because of your generosity that our church has been able to do so many beautiful things over the years. Thank you for continually responding to the call to give your time, talent, and treasure. This Giving Tuesday, which is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, our church is gathering donations for Church Improvements. Kindly consider learning more and making a donation by clicking on the “Giving Tuesday” image

This program allows Visitation families to raise money for their family school tuition, CARES fees and the parish. Through your gift card purchase, a portion of the gift card total value is given back to Visitation parish.   You can buy the gift cards from RaiseRight website  through the RAISE RIGHT app at face value. The difference between the face value price and the discounted price, called a “rebate”, is divided 50/50 between you and the parish. 

Visitation’s organization enrollment code is 3E6L514B6L877

Buy ACME and GIANT gift cards at the Rectory before you go to the grocery store.  A portion of the gift card is donated to Visitation.

Use the charity code BVM for a portion of your sale to be returned to Visitation Church.