Holy Matrimony
What is the Sacrament of Marriage?
Marriage is the Sacrament which forms one man and one woman together in a covenant under God and His Church. It is a Sacrament of vocation, a response to a specific calling that God has placed in the hearts of the couple. Marriage is a bond that lasts for life – permanent, faithful, and fruitful. Marriage is not just about two people, but is the foundation of the family, the “domestic church,” the most basic and foundational structure, not only for the Church, but for all of society.
To request a date for marriage in Visitation BVM Church, please call the Rectory at 610-539-5572. Six months is usually required for marriage preparation. A Pre-Cana session is required for Visitation BVM engaged couples. The first step is to speak with a priest to set your date and do the initial paperwork. Please call Deacon Vince at the Rectory at 610-539-5572 ext 106 or email at deaconvince@visitationbvm.org to arrange an initial meeting.
Pre-Cana Program:
Visitation BVM offers a one-day program for engaged couples with the FOCCUS exam administered prior. The program is presented twice a year by a team of married couples from the parish and follows the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Our next session is scheduled for Saturday, March 22, 2025.
Talks and discussions cover the basic areas of Communication, Adjustments, Sexuality, Spirituality and Natural Family Planning. The goal of the day is to increase the couple’s awareness of each other and to open up areas of communication to help them prepare for their marriage as a lifelong commitment.
The Pre-Cana team also welcomes married couples who are interested in joining the team, committed to their own marriages and willing to support young couples preparing for marriage. Meetings are held in the Fall and Spring in preparation for each of the one-day programs. For further information, please contact Joe & Janine Pizza at 610-539-8902 or email joe.pizza@vfac.net.